How To Teach Moral Values

People with moral values have a clear sense of right and wrong. Their moral code is not based on how they feel at the moment. Rather, it is founded on a firm set of principles that act as a guide for conduct – even when others are not watching.

Children are bombarded with distorted messages about morals, whether from the people they go to school with, the music they listen to, or the movies and TV shows they watch. Such influences can challenge their beliefs about what is right and what is wrong.

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That is especially true during the teen years. They need to understand the intense peer and media pressures to be popular and accepted, and they need to learn to make decisions consistent with own values and choices, even if that means going against friend. Obviously, training and nurturing begin at tender age.

The following are some of the practical steps to teaching moral values:

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Build a moral vocabulary: Point to everyday situations and highlight contrasts. For instance, telling the child what is honest; and that which is dishonest. Let your child know what loyal is; and that which is disloyal. In the say way, teach them to know kindness; and unkindness. In time, your child will connect with moral values with action.

Explain the reasons for your moral code: There is need for your child to know the reason behind your teaching. It is therefore advisable to ask questions such like; why is honesty the best policy? How can lying damage friendship? Why is stealing wrong? Appeal to your child’s developing conscience and sense of logic.

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Emphasize the beefits of adhering to good morals: You should explain why it is good to be honest. For example, “if you are honest, others will trust you or if you are kind, people will like being around you”, to mention but a few.

Discuss your family values with your children consistently: Tell your children the foundation upon which your family is built. You must not be economical with the truth. Use everyday situations as object lessons. You could compare your values with those presented in the media or in school.

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Commend good behavior: Commendation should be given to anyone who merits it. Your children are not exceptional. Give it to them on merit. If your child displays good moral values in what he/she does, commend him/her for it.

Correct bad behavior: Spare the rod and spoil the child. Help your children accept responsibilities for their actions. Children should know what they did wrong and how their conduct deviates from family’s value system. Some parents are reluctant to make their child feel bad about misbehavior, but discussing bad behavior with child this way will help him develop a conscience that is sensitive to the and wrong.

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