Living Faith Church Sets To Build An Ark

Living Faith Church, also known as Winners Chapel is set to build 100,000 seaters auditorium to be known as, ‘The Ark’.

Africa Investigative Magazine (Afimag) gathered that Winners Chapel would spend not less than N160 Billion to accomplish the project.

A prominent member of the Church at  the Ughelli chapter who spoke under anonymous confirmed that the ‘Ark’ is sited in Lagos.

He stated that the project has commenced last year, noting that more than N50 Billion has been released to that effect.

It could be recalled that the giant project was first named, ‘Faith Theater’ before it was officially renamed as, ‘The Ark’.

When asked if the Church members would foot the bill, the Ughelli member replied that the general overseer, Bishop David Oyedepo said none of his members would be tasked for it.

The unconventional ceremony for the Ark was performed by David Oyedepo in March 2021.

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