Nassarawa Police Arraign University Staff, 3 Others For Assault –

Nassarawa State police command has arraigned a university principal staff along three others at the State High Court 1, over assault on a woman.

The suspects, Dr. Fred Ekpa Ayokhai 53yrs, Emmanuela Ayokhai 18yrs, Bob Praise Ayokhai 23yrs and Saint-Dan Ayokhai 21yrs were arraigned on October 26, 2022 .

The presiding judge, Justice Aisha Bashir-Aliyu, remanded the suspects on a six- count charge which include Criminal Conspiracy, House Breaking and Criminal Force or Assault to woman with intent to outrage modesty.

Others were Kidnapping and Inflicting Physical Injury on another which is punishable under Section 97 of the Penal Code Law of Northern Nigeria, Section 3(1) & 4 of the Nasarawa State Kidnapping(prohibition) Law, 2019, Section 268(2) & 354 of the Penal Code Law of Northern Nigeria and Section 3(1) of the Nasarawa State Violence Against Persons (prohibition) Law, 2019.

The case has been assigned to High Court, Obi for trial while the suspects have been remanded in prison custody pending formal arraignment.

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