Omokri Offers Five Valuable Tips To Help End Ritual Killings In Nigeria

Everyday we hear different stories about a young man or girl murdered with their vital organs harvested. This singular act is suspected to be executed by yahoo boys.

A lot of stories has been written on this regard. One of its trends was the young who confessed that he learned ritual killing from Nollywood.

A few months ago, a maiden suspected to be a student of Delta State Polytechnic, Ogwashi Uku was found dead beside the bush in the community, with her eyes plucked out.

The urge for money has led most people to penetrate evil without recourse to conscience. People are used for sacrifice like animals to make fortune.

After careful consideration of the dastardly act carried out by these money mongers, an author and human right activist, Reno Omokri had suggested five practical steps to end ritual killings in Nigeria.

He wrote: For yahoo yahoo and rituals to stop in Nigeria, five things must occur:

1. Parents must stop having children as a form of pension for old age.

2. In-laws must stop seeing their daughter’s husband as an income source.

3. Nigerian women must stop being transactional in relationships, and seeing it as an entitlement to financial maintenance.

4. Ethnic nationalities that demand huge bride price must remove such repugnant aspects of their culture.

5. Nigerians should stop spending big on weddings and funerals and start spending big on education and investment.

If these five things don’t stop, yahoo and rituals won’t stop! Yes, we have a hopeless government, but most moral decadence in Nigeria is not caused by the Buhari regime. It is caused by our culture.

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