Columnist: The Fear Of INEC Is The Beginning Of Wisdom

MOMENT OF TRUTH with Richard.

Richard Ugbeh –

Position Of Authority Is Better Than Rank …

Greetings our fellow country men and women. We are in the period of elections where you and I will be recognised because of the Power in our hands by the virtue of the PVC.

Individuals with PVC are now essential commodity that attract attention while the holder becomes automatic kingmaker of sorts. I could remember as If it was yesterday, when a middle class officers in the force were made a state Governor.

Some of the senior officers from time to time pay a courtesy visit to the state manned by one of their own. In normal official rules junior and senior relations has a limit. But because position is better than rank, the senior tends to serve the junior.

This scenario applies to even the family circle where the last child happens to be financially powerful, the rest must wait for him especially when it comes to the issue of money. The money have placed him ahead of other members of the family.

The INEC chairman today is a kingmaker, whether you like him or not, he commands and has the knife to cut and amend for that he holds the Joker card. Yes, position is still better than rank, currently he’s the man of the moment in this time of Moment of Truth.

No alternative to the TOP position for now. The fear of INEC is the beginning of wisdom. Nothing lasts forever. Only time will tell. Today is your day, tomorrow could be someone else, for this I say “No condition is permanent”. The most important thing is that you have to play your part well and leave. His office let another take.

The position one occupies determine the kind of visitors he receives, some visit because they have a need, they ignore you when you need them, these set of so called friends are not worthy to be considered your friends, that’s one negative effect of Position. It’s attract fame and Foes.

As you occupy that position of authority remember your superiors because it has expiring date and one could be posted back to same office where the records of your previous actions were recorded by both junior and senior colleagues. Humble and humility in service the best to humanity.

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