The Socio-Political Deficits In The Society: Nigeria In Focus

One cannot complete the history of Nigeria without highlighting the woes bedeviling her. Its crumbled system of justice, corruption in all arms of government affect both infrastructure and human capital development.

To mention but a few, infringement of human rights by the government, a high spate of crime, killings, and kidnappings, inflation becoming the new normal.

With the present political system in Nigeria, one would be tempted to say that Nigeria has been grooming in darkness since 1960. It’s sad to assert that a nation blessed with good atmospheric conditions and mineral resources like Nigeria is in the valley of debt.

Funnily, the government has to create Debt Management Ministry.

Nigeria, in a real sense, should be among the most developed countries in the world judging from its potentials and natural endowment.

Political bigots and religious sentiments have driven the economy into the grave; thereby inflicting the masses with abject poverty.

The government at all levels, have over the years, remained insensitive to the plight and aspirations of the people.

According to a literary scholar, Wole Sonyika, “the Federal Executive is weakling, incompetent, and lacks the dexterity to manage the nation’s economy.”

Due to inconsistency in policies and programs of the government, the nation is filled with disunity, a high level of unemployment, economic instability, and a poor electoral process.

Nigeria claims to be the most religious nation, yet, her situation remains pathetic, with citizenry asking for restructuring.

What becomes of the people when the leaders are only concerned with their selfish interests? The result is not far-fetched.

If nothing is done to save the ravaging economy and inflation rocking the country currently, civil servants would soon, be taking loans to refill their gas cylinders.

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