Biafra: Kanu Absent As Court Adjourns Trial Indefinitely

The Government Director of Public Prosecution, Mr. M.B. Abubakar, has alleged that the detained leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu, declined to submit himself before the Federal High Court in Abuja for re-arraignment.

Recall that Kanu is standing trial of amended seven counts of terrorism filed against him by the Federal Government of Nigeria.

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The Prosecutor told newsmen that Kanu refused to come to come Court on November 14, 2022, even when he was asked to appear Justice Binta Nyako of the Federal High Court.

Prosecutor Abubakar said, “My lord, I understand that the defendant declined to come to court today. As of last week, the defendant was intimated of this sitting and he did not object.

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“However, when I called the office this morning, I was informed that the defendant woke up and declined to come to court.

“All entreaties and pleas were made but he refused to come to court.”

In his reaction, Justice Binta Nyako, adjourned the matter indefinitely.

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