Faith O Anekwe
Faith O Anekwe

Essential Facts To Note About Youthful Stage

Faith Anekwe –


Youths and the world

A youth is someone strong, has vigor and passion to do desirable things as well as eager to make an impact in life.

A youthful stage is a state whereby someone thinks he/she can do great things.

Youthful age is the sun rising (morning time) while the adult age is the evening time when the sun is setting down, that is why every worker sets out to their various places of work in the morning when they are full of strength and they return home in the evening – they are tired and worn out.

The Oxford advanced learners dictionary defines a ‘youth’ as a young person. A young person between the ages of 14 and 17.

A youth who falls under the adolescence age, from 18 years and above are adults, according to the law, anyone who attains the age of 18 is an adult who can decide for himself and can be charged to court if he or she commits a crime.

In the real-life setting, youth can be from the age of 14 to 40 whether married or not, because people of this age are still strong and can do whatever they want without any assistance.

Youths are more interested in doing things all by themselves. Some people are interested in academics; others are interested in skills and talents, pleasure, and entertainment.

ACADEMICS: Many youths have an interest in studying and making research as they attend school – they study to acquire knowledge. Most of them are always reading and working toward achieving their goals in life.

They have dreams of becoming doctors, lawyers, teachers, engineers, pilots
and so on.

How To Be Successful in Your Academic as a Youth:

1. Know Yourself: Self Knowledge is the most important thing in life. When you know who you are, what you can do, and where you are heading, then, you will be able to have academic success. This is simply known as ‘self-discovery.

2. Study daily: Studying daily helps you to know what you want and know more about it on daily basis.

3. Effective Class Participation: Participating in every class activity as a student helps a lot.

4. Be the first to be in the classroom room or lecture hall: This keeps your mind relaxed and ready to get more knowledge.

5. Have a good Study Time Table: Your timetable has an immense advantage on your student life. Design your study timetable in line with your schedule and strictly adhere to it.

6. Maximize your weekends: All work and no play they said makes Jack a dull boy. If you struggle to meet up with your daily needs, it is paramount to participate in relevant social and other activities for the fulfillment of your academic destiny.

7. Care to Know your teachers/ Professors / Lecturers: Failure begins immediately developing a hatred for a subject teacher. It is your duty to like your teachers. When you hate a teacher, you will hate his/her subject; then, fail it.

8. Do backbencher bencher in class: It is good enough to participate actively while the class is ongoing. Sitting on the back bench may affect your learning skill if the class is highly populated; especially if the school has no public address system.

9. Have adequate preparation for the examination: Don’t be the starts at start reading, two weeks before the examination.

10. Make sure you write all tests, assignments, and examinations.

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