IFC Denies Involvement In 86 Football Ponzi Scheme, Warns The Public against Scam

By Emmanuel Ologbo –

The Ponzi industry seems to be thriving recently in Nigeria despite the exit and crash of similar schemes in the past which has left many persons bankrupt and broke. In worse cases, it has led to the incurring of large financial debts, spoilt relationships between family members, friends, business partners, and in worst cases imprisonment and suicide.

In a previous article published by Afimag one of our staff went undercover to reveal the truth behind 86fb and with substantial evidence, we were able to declare without doubts that 86fb, 86w, 86z are all Ponzi schemes owned by one person(s) click here to read that article or watch the video uploaded on YouTube here.

This is a follow up to that article, as at the time that research was being made our staff tried all possible means to reach out to the IFC – International Finance Corporation via their official social media handles and phone call to obtain an official statement from them endorsing or disclaiming 86fb football as to whether they are in a partnership, this was to verify the claim being made by 86fb football, its agents and its promoters that they are insured by IFC in case they lose a bet as shown below in the screenshot gotten from their business presentation

86fb claims to be part of IFC

There are several viral videos circulating of overzealous networkers going as far as printing IFC’s logo into their banners and T-shirts in a bid to prove that they are in a partnership.

86fb members parading IFC logo
86fb members parading IFC logo

After our staff exposed their false claim, they started to claim that the IFC they were making reference to is International Football Club. That was a clueless attempt as nobody of such exists let it be known that 86fb football in their presentation stated clearly that their Insurer IFC was International Finance Corporation

This did not sound right because the IFC is not an insurance company, rather they work with the World Bank to provide loans and grants. After days of patiently waiting, our staff finally got a public response to his inquiry on Twitter, see the response on Twitter embedded below:

Conclusion: Based on the evidence provided in this video and on this post we are convinced that 86fb football is a Ponzi Scheme and a potential scam. Afimag does not give financial advice but if we are to give an opinion it’s only a matter of time and this platform would collapse with investors’ funds like past schemes, we hereby suggest that you are smart about your financial decisions and avoid platforms like this with no clear source of generating revenue.

Read Also: Warning! Nigerians about to be scammed again by 86fb, 86z, 86w, Ponzi football reverse betting scam investment | 86fb.com football review (Don’t Invest)

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