Sterling Global Rejects Govt’s Directive To Resolve Issues With Host Communities Amicably

The management of Sterling Oil Exploration and Energy Production Company Limited (SEEPCO) has disregarded the Delta State Government’s directive to settle all issues amicably with host communities.

The State Government through the Ministry of Oil and Gas has urged SEEPCO to address the issues with landlords arising from oil spills and other matters capable of hampering their peaceful coexistence.

Recently, the people of Ndokwa nation have reportedly cried over the high level of environmental pollution and damages oil exploration gave birth to in the area.

Related stories: Breaking: Delta Govt Orders SEEPCO To Address Issues With Host Communities

The people noted that despite the pollution of their waters and desecration of their ancestral lands, Sterling Global has not put up a measure to clean up the environment and compensate them.

Africa Investigative Magazine (AFIMAG) gathered that oil channels (pipelines) were installed across the majority of communities in Ndokwa East and West Local Government Areas of Delta State.

Sources who spoke with AFIMAG on condition of anonymity lamented that the presence of Sterling Oil in the area has made life miserable for them as the company paid deaf ears to their plights about the adverse effect of pipeline leakages on them.

According to Chief G.E Ikwuobodo, the leakage of the oil pipeline laid in his premises at Okpai Oluchi in Ndokwa East LGA has led to the devastation of lives and properties.

Chief Ikwuobodo alleged that even as the shock of the oil spill made him a widower, SEEPCO has denied him of his entitlements as a major landlord.

In a letter dated December 05, 2022, and addressed to the management of Sterling Global, the Delta State Ministry of Oil and Gas commissioner urged the company to settle all cases amicably with Chief Ikwuobodo as he has withdrawn his lawsuit against SEEPCO from the court.

Investigations, however, proved that SEEPCO has not utilized the advice, and has not established contact with any Ikwuobodo family members for settlement.

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Nkemdinim Igumbor
Nkemdinim Igumbor
1 year ago

Waoooh so there’s is actually people with 2 heads that can disobey d FG,how weak 😢😢😢